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If you are wanting to register as a group and work together, every individual must fill out the form! The group leader should fill the form out first, and when asked whether they would like to create a group, the group leader should select to create a group. Once the leader has filled out those additional questions, they should share the group name with their friends/group members. The group members then will each go in to register individually and they will select the option to join a group. A drop down will appear and they will scroll and find their group name (group names are populated at the time they were created). If they cannot find their group they should reach out to us at


Group Leaders will be emailed the numbers of members who have registered and the number of drivers one month, ten days, and 48 hours prior to Winterization.


If possible, please register by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November 6th! However, last minute sign ups are welcome!

What to Expect

  • ​All volunteers will "drive-in" to First United Methodist Church (1700 W. Mitch Daniels Blvd., West Lafayette (just west of campus/horticulture park)) on Saturday, November 9th, 2024. Come with the carload with whom you plan to serve.


  • Check-in will begin in the morning at the designated time for your wave. Wave 1 registers from 8:00 am to 8:45 am and Wave 2 registers from 9:00 am to 9:45 am.  


  • Breakfast food will be served during check-in.


  • Group leaders are the only ones who are able to pick a wave preference. When you register, if you join an existing group, you will be assigned to the wave chosen by your group leader.


  • During check-in, group leaders, or drivers, will receive the day’s instructions and directions to resident’s homes.​


  • Service teams will receive directions to several homes where they will interact with residents and help winterize homes and yards.  After a morning of service, everyone is invited to First United Methodist Church (1700 W. Mitch Daniels Blvd., West Lafayette (just west of campus/horticulture park)) around to return supplies and to enjoy lunch.  Lunch (free to all volunteers) will be served from noon to 2:30 pm.


  • Supplies are provided, however, it would be wise to bring your own work gloves and any winterizing equipment you have (rakes, tarps, bush trimmers, ladders).


  • Be sure to dress for the weather!

Event Schedule


8:00am-8:45am Wave 1 Check-in/Breakfast starts at First United Methodist Church (1700 W. Mitch Daniels Blvd., West Lafayette (just west of campus/horticulture park))


9:00am-12:00pm Wave 1 winterizes homes!


12:00pm-1:30 Lunch



9:00am-9:45am Wave 2 Check-in/Breakfast


10:00am-1:00pm Wave 2 winterizes homes!


1:00pm-2:30pm Lunch






This year we will have long-sleeved T-shirts. The cost is $12, shirts MUST be paid before you pick them up. You can either give it to the administrative staff at Wesley Foundation (200 N Russell St., across from the Honors College) or stop by the t-shirt table on the day of. Please make checks out to “Wesley Foundation at Purdue.” 
Venmo: wesley-foundation

Informational Videos

© 2024 Winterization

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Wesley Foundation 

PO Box 2396

West Lafayette, IN 47996



Winterization 2024 Co-coordinators:

Megan Stohr, Adrian Walker, and Glen Robyne






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